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MSE to partner in EU 'Columbus' project

'Columbus' a project looking at ways to improve the management and transfer of marine and maritime knowledge to support emerging 'blue-growth' activities has been successful in winning European funding.

Subject to final contract negotiations, this three year EU project will bring together 27 partners from across Europe; including Marine South East.

The key objective of Columbus is to ensure that applicable knowledge generated through EC-funded science and technology research can be transfered effectively to advance the governance of the marine and maritime sectors whilst improving the competiveness of European companies and unlocking the potential of the oceans to create jobs and growth in Europe.

Marine South East will be leading the development of targeted 'Knowledge Transfer Plans' involving stakeholders from policy organisations, industry, the science base and society.

More information on the project will be circulated once the details are finalised

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Posted 2014-11-28 12:36:40

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