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MSE working on Scottish Enterprise funded project

Since September Marine South East has been working with the Technopolis Group on a Scottish Enterprise funded project to map Advanced Manufacturing solutions for energy related applications in harsh environments.

This pilot is looking at the value chains of Offshore Oil and Gas; Unconventional Oil and Gas; Marine Renewables; and Blue Water Mining with the objective of complementing Scotland's strengths in these established/developing markets with similar/related strengths across the EU.

One of the key activities is to compile an inventory of infrastructure including university research groups, research centres, key companies, clusters and networks across the EU which have the potential to become part of a smart specialisation platform (SSP) for advanced manufacturing (ADMA). Work has been ongoing to identify organisations and companies and was completed at the end of November.

The detailed snapshot it provides will be used at a workshop being organised by Scottish Europa on the 8th December in Brussels. This will assess the key areas of common opportunity that exist, (i.e. where the 'match' is strongest) and the barriers which appear to inhibit regions and industry from finding each other (learn/connect).

Attendees will then focus on pathways and funding mechanisms which may be used to develop greater collaboration and co-operation between the regions by demonstrating and upscaling methods of working together.

The project is due to be completed by the end of 2014; for further information please contact Jonathan Williams

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Posted 2014-11-28 13:04:20

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