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Diputacion de Huelva busy promoting WICO project

The Spanish partner in the WICO project, Diputacion de Huelva has been busy promoting the Small Wind systems project at every available opportunity in recent months.

They took part in a Poster Display at CONAMA10 National Enviromental Congress which took place in Madrid in November 2010 and were on hand to answer questions from the highly relevant audience that attended the event.

In addition they were able to upload a technical document explaining the WICO project as well as visual posters to the event's website.

In May 2011 the Spanish partners presented the WICO project to an audience of technical delegates from local training centres. The event was very well attended with over 120 delegates who gave extremely positive feedback to the WICO Guidelines which were launched at the event.

Diputacion de Huelva also managed to get an article about the WICO project published in the Spring edition of the European Energy Innovation Magazine; to view the magazine follow the link:

This prestigious European magazine focuses on innovation and development of new and alternative energy projects in Europe and its regions and is aimed at technicians and decision makers in the field of renewable energy.

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Posted 2011-07-14 15:05:56

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