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SMARTA - Sustainable Marine Transformation and Assessment

SMARTA is a 3-year project launched in January 2009, jointly funded by the Regional Development Agency (SEEDA) and the European Union through its European Regional Development Fund. The project aims to help marine companies achieve a combination of economic and environmental performance improvement.

The project partners work with marine businesses to minimise their resource usage and environmental impact, review and improve their marketing and optimise their manufacturing processes. These activities deliver the dual aims of enhancing sustainability and improving the company's profitability.

The project partners are Marine South East (Lead Partner), Manufacturing Advisory Service South East (MAS SE), Atkins Environmental, Force 5 Marketing and ProAction Creative.

The 3-year project aims to:

Smarta Sustainability Network

The SMARTA project has recently launched the SMARTA Sustainability Network which aims to keep members up to date wth relevant environmental news, emerging innovative technologies, environmental courses and seminars and the latest environmental legislation.

Signing up to the SMARTA Sustainability Network is free and ensures that you receive a monthly newsletter as well as invitations to local networking events. To join the SMARTA Sustainability Network download the application form from the following link www.marinesoutheast.co.uk/smarta/downloads/