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SMARTA Sustainability Network

It's now well recognised that developing a sustainable approach to business makes very sound commercial sense and can have a measurable impact on profitability, but keeping up with the latest marine-related environmental news and developments isn't always easy.

Unless you're prepared to spend time searching a plethora of websites, it can be difficult to keep track of emerging innovative technologies, environmental courses and seminars or the latest environmental legislation. Fortunately, we can save you time by delivering condensed, relevant environmental news to your inbox. We do the sorting, so if it's not relevant to the marine sector, we won't include it.

Signing-up to the SMARTA Sustainability Network will ensure you receive our monthly newsletter plus invitations to local networking events, where selected specialists will provide an expert insight into topical issues.

Joining the SMARTA Sustainability Network is free of charge, as is attendance at the networking events.

If we've whetted your appetite, please complete the application form at the following link


and email to stephen@marinesoutheast.co.uk or call 02380 111594